Junk Removal Trailer

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Our Junk Removal Services

residential junk removal

Residential Junk Removal

Whether it’s a garage cleanout, basement clutter, or unwanted furniture, we’ll help you reclaim your living space.

commercial junk removal

Commercial Junk Removal

Office furniture, electronic waste, construction debris – we handle it all, allowing you to focus on what matters most – your business.

industrial junk removal

Industrial Junk Removal

Keep your construction site safe and clean by relying on our expertise in construction debris removal.

Boat Removal

Boat Removal

Whether there's grass growing around it or it's in the water, we offer expert boat removal services.

Eco friendly trash cleanup
keep earth clean
Eco friendly4

About Us

Property Cleanouts:

Including basements, crawl spaces, attics, garages, sheds, hangars, barns, and additional storage spaces.

Junk and Debris Removal:
Home junk removal (appliances, furniture, electronics), construction or remodel debris, storm and flood debris, waste from vacant lots, illegally dumped items, and abandoned furniture
Specialty Item/Boat Removal:

Boat Removal, RVs, hot tubs, sheds, decorative columns, fountains, statues, playgrounds, above-ground swimming pools, pergolas, dog houses, patio decks, and more.

Specialized Cleanouts:

Office building, hospital and lab, restaurant, multi-building facility cleanouts, and commercial hauling.

Business/ Commercial Junk Removal:

Commercial spaces junk removal, debris removal, construction site cleanup, trash removal/dirty jobs, and miscellaneous trash including boxes, crates, and pallets.

Evictions/Estate Cleanouts:
Hoarding cleanouts, foreclosure cleanouts, and cleanup of homeless camps.
Item-Specific Removal:
Office furniture, outdated retail inventory, damaged equipment, and specialized items like strollers, carts, tarps, caches, and hideaways.
Illegal Dumping and Disaster Cleanup:
Illegal dumping cleanup, natural disaster cleanup, and storm debris cleanup.

Why Choose Junk Removal Task Force

Reliable and Efficient

Residential and Commercial Expertise

Environmentally Responsible

Affordable Pricing

Client Testimonials

customer testimonial
Sarah Thompson
customer testimonial
Michael Rodriguez
customer testimonial

Sarah Jenkins

Let's Keep Georgia Beautiful Together